Have "it" on the next day we finish our KL trip =D
It's our first time to GENTING together
It's a SWEET memory ♥
Our Bus's number plate
It's cold & cold & cold in the bus..
we are in the last row because when we book is quite late ald..
mostly full for twin seats, left single seat only..
But not too bad, not too bumpy =)
When we reached GENTING, COOOOOOLLLDD~!!!!!
>.< is freezing...
take picture with the cute caterpillar again
Breakfast in MacDonald
Wait to check in in Lobby
Our number
Number now.. >.<
is far far away from my number.. zzZ..
To prevent I grow mushroomsssS,
my ♥ & I =)
ME ♥
take a walk around GENTING =)
take picturess again!!
Finally can buy ticket for outdoor =)
Oh Yeah~! our turn to check in
We got a theme park view room.. hoho..
It's great right? hehe..
In the park
1st game, my love Spinner (flying chair)
2nd, Flying Jumbo
when the mist comes, nice weather
cooling all the time..
babe pro parking technique =D
Antique Car
Our car with number plate 288
very nice & cooling =)
we thought that will be a sunny day or raining day..
coz some says nowadays Genting weather changes a lotss.
but NO!!
We're lucky =D
Having lunch in indoor
not very nice actually.. @@
Outdoor again!!
Walking around Dinosaurland
Please don't look at me >.<
Babe always very serious one >.<
Babe ♥
Have a short rest in room
Bought two pairs of slippers with slippers xP
SPINNER again!!!!
but this time only me alone, babe take picture for me =)
thanks babe..

After dinner, went to have a 4D movie
Inside there have some IQ questions for pax
bcoz sometime you will be in a long queue.. >.<
It's a Pirate show, quite full..
So, we are in the 1st row..
T^T no time to take pictures inside..
hmm.. i feel not bad lar.. just not much effect..
Last time I had tried DinosaurWorld..
That's great, maybe that time I'm still a kid so.......
Don't have so much expectation.. hahax...
We went to Ohmega Forces..
We have a RM10 package - Mini 20shots
I have tried only one shot.. >.<
babe is shooting xD Result
Next Morning
Having Breakfast in Kenny Rogers Roasters
My ♥
my pity candy floss
*p/s: i use it to hit babe.. wahahahahaha~~!
when i keep on complaining him spoil my candy floss,
got a aunty beside "laugh" at us.. @.@
She said, spoil d buy a new one lar.. =.=''
I said, don't want ald.. too sweet.. NO GOOD NO GOOD
She said, then don't eat so much better..
BABE, you spoil my image.. >.<
After a little argue for the candy floss.. =P
Babe is busy reading & I'm busy taking photos.. xD
Story ends with Ferris wheel ♥
当我们仰望摩天轮的时候 就是在仰望幸福 ♥