With a very GREAT sleep last nite~
sleepin from 10pm-8am..
wake up in the early morning
with a sweet mood.. ∩_∩
4am wake up
bcoz of DAMN leg pain >.<
u was sleepin like a cute piggy..
i should have taken some photos of
ur sleepin face.. =P
watch "Despicable Me"
with my Babe in Gurney
1245pm 's movie
at d time v brought d ticket
is 1244pm.. XD
babe, my face ''big'' enuf neh~
but still not big enuf for parkin.. >.<
babe, i really don't like to hear those words
come out from ur mouth..
not meant to simply fa pi qi with u d..
Sorry if i said something hurt You..
Love U~❤

The movie is
very FUNNY..
babe sittin beside me pun laugh non-stop

the beans are useful ya.. XD
can be a 荧光棒 ko..
i need IT when i'm in dark..!!!!

Three Girls
(orphans at Miss Hatties school for GIRLS)
Edith, Margo & Agnes
the little innocent girl
she is super duper cute~!!!!!
now people are crazy with her.. =P

Gru:"Rule no1, you will not touching anything..
or whine or laugh or giggle or sneeze or burp or fart.
so no, no, no annoying sounds."
Agnes:"Does this count as annoying? *plook *plook *plook
"My caterpillar never turned in a butterfly"
"That's a Cheetoh"
"Oh" *eat it
"He's nice"
"But scary"
"Like Santa Clause"
& the most most most
CUTE reactions
"its so fluffy,im gonna die!"

U're freaking cccuuuuuuutttteeeeeeee~~~!!!!!
babe, i wan a kid like her.. =P
n a worker like d bean.. hehex..
-Agnes's cute pic-

babe, got d t-shirt for this pic..
>.< i WANT~!!!!
Loves Agnes &
my babe.. muacks~~
miaow~❤ =P
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