A last minute road trip to Hobart
We confirmed the road trip,
planed the itinerary,
booked hotel,
packed luggage
within three hours.
Aahhh-Ha ! :D
Day 1 - 07 Dec 2013
We leave Mowbray, Tasmania at 7 am
(2hours and 30mins drive from Mowbray to Hobart)
The view and landscape are really breath-taking.
Too bad, can't share with you all cause I can't catch any nice photo
as we are in highway :(
Around one hour drive,
first stop - ROSS
A relax town which famous with
Scallop Pie and Vanilla Slice

So here we go for the white-dessert

Bakery 31
Famous Tasmanian Scallop Pies
Strongly recommended by my boy

We decide to have the pie in the house.
Spot the scallops?

Great curry filled with at least 5 - 7 scallops.
Rating : 5/5
Seriously one scallops pie just can't satisfy me
I am a super-scallop-lover
but I got to leave some space for the dessert.
So here we go for the white-dessert
Ross Village Bakery
(Traditional Wood Fired Oven)

Just some greeting messages from the bakery in different languages.
Oohhh... How cute.. :DDD

Have a walk before continue heading to Hobart

And now our first stop in Hobart :
First time I meet tourists after arrive Aussie.
And we have Crispy Roll for lunch

Hungry babe can't wait for his roll.

BBQ Chick Wrap

The Cat

The Pink sector

For vanilla slice, we have decided to TAKE-AWAY
as a snack for next 1 hour and 30 mins drive.
And also another one reason - CAMERA without memory card
What a sad case,
we only realize that we leave the memory card at home
when I want to take picture of the scallop pie. :'(
Therefore, please forgive me for the bad-quality pictures/photos.
Have a walk before continue heading to Hobart
Perfect weather here
Sunny Sun + Windy weather + Green Landscape + Blue sky

Along the way is almost FULL GREEN on the ground
endless - trees, grass, mountains
I guess if I live here for few years,
I might able to fully-recover from myopia. :D
The sky is just in perfect blue with pillow-like clouds.
And now our first stop in Hobart :
Salamanca Market
a street market in Salamanca Place, Hobart.
A major tourist attraction and
is held on Saturday between 8.30 am and 3 pm.

Photo from Mr. Google
Due to parking lot only valid for 2 hours
Unable to capture any nice photo while I am busy enjoying the market.
2 hours is too little time for me. >.<
They sell various items from fresh food to clothing.
See a cute snail soft toy but I didn't buy it,
My boy also say it is cute. :)
First time I meet tourists after arrive Aussie.
Most of them are from China, Korea, Japan and Malaysia,
differentiate from their language. Hehehe....
I feel excited every time I meet Korean or Japanese.
Don't know why......
And we have Crispy Roll for lunch
Most of their rolls are lamb...
Babe don't really like lamb so we only got one choice
which is the one chicken wrap

Hungry babe can't wait for his roll.

BBQ Chick Wrap

You can see a few "live bands" in the market
The group is preparing to set their musical instruments.

Manage to catch a picture before leave the market

If you are travelling to Hobart,
So our next stop is
Due to the dark lighting, is hard for us to capture
Heartbeat light-bulb at the entrance
All these light bulbs are "beating"

Manage to catch a picture before leave the market

Too bad this market only hold on Saturday
Or else I might want to visit again before I leave Tassie.
I love to visit this kind of market
where i can enjoy, understand how the locals live.
If you are travelling to Hobart,
please do not forget to have a stop at Salamanca Market. :)
So our next stop is
Museum of Old and New Art (MONA)
Opening Hours : 10 am - 5 pm, closed on Tuesday
Admission fee : $20 for adult
*if you are not from Tassie or student card holder
15mins driving distance from Salamanca Market
Due to the dark lighting, is hard for us to capture
Here are some arts in the museum
Heartbeat light-bulb at the entrance
All these light bulbs are "beating"
After you try, your heartbeat will be recorded and
The "scary" chapter
Didn't take much photos also.. Hahaha..
Here are a few one I personally quite like

Pregnant woman giving birth? I guess

Pregnant woman giving birth? I guess

The Skull
My favourite one.. hehehe..
This one scare me - The Red Box
If you see carefully, might notice that there is a hole in the middle

What is inside the hole :
A woman with white mask quietly playing with the white papers.

The next scary arts I love

Aarrgghhhh... I still feel gerli when I post this photos. @@
The next scary arts I love

A doll hang on the right hand side and
another doll head at the center part.

Spot the three heads at the bottom?

Spot the three heads at the bottom?

Think of Akuma in D-Grayman when I see this
especially the doll with smiling face on the right hand side

How many faces you can see in this art?

The Tunnel
which leads to the library
As per babe, every step you take will have some sounds.
The sounds and lighting give a sinister feeling.

The Cat

The Pink sector

A kind of insect which collect gold items as their "shell"
Just wonder why they want to get something so heavy

The bubble car - Porsche

The bubble car - Porsche

Have a look of Mummy before we leave
A sentence in the information card which we have to read
and understand for entering the room makes my day :D
"Please don't die there, we just can't afford it!"

Outdoor view of MONA

View of the city from MONA
Royal Tasmania Botanical Garden (RTBG)
Outdoor view of MONA

View of the city from MONA
Heading to hotel check in before continue our journey to the Green Nature
Last minute hotel booked : Carlyle Hotel
Room rate : $85 per room per night
Rating : 7/10
Simple and clean hotel, surprisingly they do provide breakfast
although website shown No-Breakfast for my booking.
10 minutes driving distance to MONA or RTBG
Royal Tasmania Botanical Garden (RTBG)
Opening Hours : 8 am - 6.30 pm daily
Admission : F.O.C.

The one we spend quite some time to look around
The Japanese Garden

Autumn Leaves

Defeated by the sunny SUN

Selfie section :P

After rest, is JUMPING TIME ! Wweeee~~~ :D

The one we spend quite some time to look around
The Japanese Garden

Autumn Leaves

Defeated by the sunny SUN
Selfie section :P

After rest, is JUMPING TIME ! Wweeee~~~ :D
Babe rocking with his early christmas present
Stereo Vinyls Collection from Boundlezz Unlimited

Korean & Chinese restaurant - Arirang

We arrive Hobart city area around 5 pm something
It's actually quite late so almost all the shops are closed.
He insists and wants me to have a walk around the city
since we are already there.
I don't mind to walk but.........
the super-cold-strong wind :'(
and .....
really nothing much to see la...
Korean & Chinese restaurant - Arirang
I think they are more to Korean style.

and Mr. YG is in the TV when I enter the shop
Aah-Ha.. :D
I am just simply brought together by fate with YG family
Wwweeeeee~~~~~ Mood UP UP UP !!!

Bibimbap (mine)

Kimchi soup with steam-rice (his)

By me

By him

Heading directly to our first stop with empty stomach

Bibimbap (mine)

Kimchi soup with steam-rice (his)

Exhausted when arrive hotel room
but still selfie non-stop.. Hahaha...
By me

By him

Day 2 - 08 Dec 2013
Oppss... We missed our hotel breakfastand someone got bad mood
Just like a kid get mad when he can't get his favourite food/toy.
Heading directly to our first stop with empty stomach
Sorell Fruit Farm
Opening Hours : 8.30 am - 5 pm daily
Admission : $8 Adult for fruit picking
About 30 mins drive from Carlyle Hotel

Have our shared-breakfast in cafe,
re-fill energy for the fight ! :D
Selfie while waiting

Bacon with Eggs Benedict ($12)

The battlefields

Strawberry farm

Other berries farms

How to choose berries?
We have spent nearly 2 hours in the fruit farms
Some main animals to see in Tasmania, Australia

Bacon with Eggs Benedict ($12)

The battlefields
Strawberry farm

Other berries farms
Fighting with strong cold-wind and berries. Hahaha..
Never think too much, eating berries while we pick. :D
The strawberries are just big, sweet and juicy
Other berries are too sour for me

Please ignore my messy hair.
How to choose berries?
The darker are the sweetest.
Lesson learned. Hehe..
We have spent nearly 2 hours in the fruit farms
and my stomach is fully filled with strawberries..
They don't have any limit for how long you spend there
and how much you pick.
However, all the Take-Away picked fruits have to be contained
in a plastic container from the owner.
We feel it is actually quite worthwhile for the only $8 admission fees.

Let's let's ... Let's go to the zoo~~
Opening Hours : 9 am to 5 pm
Admission fee : $22 Adult
30 mins driving distance from Sorell Fruit Farm
Some main animals to see in Tasmania, Australia
Koala (is not a bear) with Eucalyptus

looks like kangaroo right?
But they are in smaller size

Tasmania Devils

The sheep comes near me cause it thought I have feed..

Tasmania Devils
It is fun here cause we can actually get closer to some animals.
Is different with the zoos I been, which we only can see the animals in the cages.
Feed machine is available in most of the entrance
Each cup of feed costs $1
The sheep comes near me cause it thought I have feed..
hehehe... I got chance to touch it..

Zoo Safari Bus tour is super-exciting sections
You will be given a cup of feed in coach, visit 3 sections of farm

Section 1 : Ostriches and Emus (食火鸟)
Emus are the ratitae relative of ostriches
sizes are slightly smaller than ostriches

Seriously feel that I am lucky not to sit at the first seat of middle row.
The ostriches will extend their heads to search for food.
Please don't think they are eating gently
Most of the visitors are shouting when feeding.
But it is fun to have this experience.
I personally feel they are scary because of they big eyes
stare at me like this... T^T

Section 2 : Alpaca
is called 羊驼 or so-called 草泥马
sounds like rude word right..

Guide is distributing the feed.

Babe feeding the alpacas

Big head snap.. Tehee...

Guide is distributing the feed.

Babe feeding the alpacas

Big head snap.. Tehee...

Section 3 : Camels
They refuse to come near to the coach
even the guide say :"Please~~"

After few minutes communication,
they finally come and kiss the guide..
Aawww~~ so sweet... :)

After the short safaris bus tour,
is time for the feeding and shows.
We only go for the big cats feeding cause I am tired to expose under the sunny sun
and we have a long hour drive to next destination
I am feeding the mama lion

Continue to our next destination
It takes 2 hours and 20 mins drive from Zoodoo in Richmond
Have our late lunch at Pork's Place at Bicheno
Seafood basket

Vanilla + Raspberry ice cream

Torture myself.. Eating ice cream in this cold weather + strong cold wind

Vanilla + Raspberry ice cream

Torture myself.. Eating ice cream in this cold weather + strong cold wind
Even babe trembling while the wind blows. XD
This is the process of blow-hole (left side of the stone)

He can't wait to go to the stone there. =.=''
Spot the little him??
I still hiding beside the tree.... protects me from strong wind

End my trip here with love

I also join him to ki siao there after finish my ice cream
since come already, no point to afraid right? xD
especially when we meet the big blowhole
cold strong wind + cold seawater =.=''''''

Anyway, I do enjoy here. :D

Anyway, I do enjoy here. :D
Bad circumstance happened when we heading back to Mowbray, Launceston.
In Tasmania, except for city areas or tourist areas,
others are town or small village.
We choose to re-fill petrol at the next town area when we leave Bicheno.
The petrol station is closed in the first town
so we have no choice to continue to next town area.
Too bad, the petrol station in second is closed too..
Petrol left are not able to support us to reach the city area.
Babe go and check with the locals see
whether there is any other nearest petrol station
and we realise is about 7.30 pm.
Most of the shops close around 5 pm - 7 pm,
including the small petrol station.
Stop at the petrol station
and... and...
A white big car just stop at the petrol station.
An old uncle unlock the main door and go in to the shop.
Is the owner !!!!
How lucky are we !!!
Thanks god !!! :DDDD
Lesson learned :
Please do not expect there is a open petrol station
in small town especially after 7 pm. :P

End my trip here with love
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