Sunday, February 20, 2011

20 Feb 2011

Another Bored Day~!

Is a Sunday night which I can still sleep at my home
Babe is busy for his assignment
& my hp bankrupt
cant SMS.. =(

while waiting babe free,
write blog then.. xD

Valentine's Day having Dinner with Jack & Siew Fen
in Gurney Nandos
because all FULL..!!!
Have a special activity after dinner
What's this?!?
haha.. left side is mine & right side of coz is babe..
I'm underweight =.=''
my babe very fit..!! gam gam ho.. =D
Jack's height: 183cm
Babe's height: 173cm
Siew Fen's height: 165cm (if not wrong)
Mine height: 163cm

Oh no!! I'm the... "tallest"..
Girls are underweight. Boys are in ideal weight.
But girls will still in the process of KEEP FIT.. xD

Has just received my Birthday present from my OLD OLD machii
Ms Ng, last time u give me geh birthday card still in my locker
& the dog also sit in a nice place.. =D

All The Best for you.
Good Luck in your STPM =)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

19 Feb 2011

也就是華人所謂的 十五晚-chap go meh

老公勉強的 (其實是有點不想)
載我去舊關仔角 湊熱鬧去
你就稍微遷就我下嘛 ◕‿◕

啊不然 等下伊芙琳馬的Ms. Wan
某人就差不多要冒煙了 =D
找伊芙琳馬后 就隨便去晃晃下

這是本小姐我 長這麼大第一次去拋柑呢
一顆RM1, 聽馬小姐說是 拿來做慈善的 =)
忙著寫字在柑上的 伊芙琳馬&溫小姐

好啦!! 我知道我沒有在認真寫啦
老公我有了 做人不要貪心嘛 =)

這就是伊芙琳馬跟溫小姐啦 ≧ω≦

結果 =(
我拋的 都沒有進啦
不過 沒關係
明年再來!!!! =D
*老公看到 肯定要暈了
水上那些一粒粒的 就是都拋不進的柑
雖然蠻難拋進的 不過籃子里還蠻多的

當我們要離開時 看見有個女生 拿了一籃的柑
⊙0⊙ 你是很想拋進 還是 只是做慈善啊..?!?

我一定要拋進去 =D
我不管.. 就要你帶我來

--20th Birthday Celebration♥

Date: 25 Jan 2011
Venue: Ferringhi Garden Restaurant, Batu Ferringhi
Title: Cindy's 20th Birthday

Cindy Chew
Sean Khor
Janice Chua - AhMi
E-Ken Tan - AhPa

Come on! Let's the pictures talk.
 Day Looks

Babe takes two days to do the arrangetments of my Birthday
That's why I can get these day looks of Ferringhi Garden
*PS: Thank you, my boy!

 Night Looks
Light makes the photo damn nice ◕‿◕ 
CNY makes it very CHINESE STYLE

While waiting
with nice table decorationssss =D
**pity geh ah pa, busy help us take photo only

Guess..? what is that?

playing the light with ah pa xD
*Childish =P

Babe, every pictures must show off his Iphone ≧▽≦


While enjoying, o(''')o
ah pa with Lobster  *wa~! yummy~

My Surprise Cake
with Birthday song from the restaurant

Family Pictures~

Me & my Babe

Cindy with Surprise Cake

Gets blessing from Restaurant's Manager =)
Thank you~!

Couples Pictures

After having dinner, we take a lotsss of pictures in the areas
too small already...... cannot even see our facesss =.=''

Cindy & Babe

Thanks Ah Mi & Ah Pa to give me this surprise,
taking all the photos for us,
editing nice pictures for us. =)

Thank you..!!!
Do so much preparation for my Birthday.
I know I'm lucky to have you beside me.
I do cherish your love & you